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  • Writer's pictureDennis Sullivan

How to generate the ONE THING business owners want most

by Dennis Sullivan

What sounds like wishful thinking is actually very possible. How? By giving prospects what they want most.

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, business owners tell us the one thing they need more than anything right now is leads – and not just any leads. They want highly qualified leads who are ready to buy.

Here’s the kicker. They don’t want to pay much or work very hard to get those great leads. What sounds like wishful thinking is actually very possible. How? By giving prospects what they want most.

For example, put yourself in the shoes of a prospect and let’s say you’re finally thinking about replacing your deck. Do you just randomly call deck builders in your area? Of course not. First, you do some research – and for most people that begins, and ends, online. You begin looking at types of decks you may like and features such as varieties of wood, enclosures, ceilings, staircases, etc. You’re educating yourself so you have a better idea of what you want. The deck builders with sites that help prospects in that research process are much more likely to get the business.

You have what your customers want most!

What your prospects want most are solutions to their questions to help them make a better purchase decision -- and you have the answers they need! That’s why one of the best tools you can use to generate leads is to offer what we call an e-book.

This is a pdf that people can download from your site that includes your best advice to help prospects in their research. It’s an easy, low-risk step prospects can take with you and it puts you in the position of an expert that others trust for guidance – and not just another vendor who wants their business.

"Offering an e-book is an easy, low-risk step prospects can take with you and it puts you in the position of an expert that others trust for guidance – and not just another vendor who wants their business."

For a deck builder, landscaper, flooring company, carpenter, stone mason or home improvement company one of the best things you can offer is an “idea e-book.” Think about it. When researching a new deck, for instance, what people are really looking for are ideas or a vision of what that project may look like. An “idea e-book” can do just that. A deck builder can showcase dramatic before and after pictures and help educate prospects about the most important considerations so they can see what’s possible.

This model works in any business. Chiropractors, dentists, attorneys, accountants, consultants, real estate agents, web designers, publishers, and so on can grab a prospect’s attention with titles such as, “Everything you want to know about _______ but we’re afraid to ask” or “The top 7 things you should know about ______ before making your next move.”

Now that you have their attention, what do you do? Send the prospect a copy of your e-book by email after they’ve filled out a short form with their contact information. You now have a highly qualified lead who is interested in your product or service, voluntarily gave you his or her contact information, and is in a buying mood.

This is a terrific offer you can add to direct mail campaigns, advertisements on TV or radio, on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, on the show floor at your next convention – and it’s a proven method to generate not just any leads, but highly qualified leads. You can also take snippets of your terrific advice and post them on social media. The posts will continue to generate a buzz around your brand -- and generate leads for you.

Stay tuned for more about how to convert those leads into buyers...

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